The Goal
Create more jobs in Humboldt County that pay a livable wage by developing the harbor.
Priority Recommendations
1. Build community agreement on projects that create jobs and that maintain the integrity of the environment. Host community forums that generate greater understanding of economic development and the role of the harbor. Sponsor a joint resolution for agencies that affirms commitment to jobs and sustainable growth by developing the harbor, supporting deep draft and marine highway shipping, ship repair and building, and an artificial reef.
2. Obtain funding/financing for infrastructure projects and equipment. Work with various agencies to obtain funds for improvements (dock repairs and dredging), equipment (dredges and a mobile crane), and east-west rail feasibility studies.
3. Develop a joint national and international marketing plan to attract maritime business. In collaboration with local economic development agencies, the plan would be completed within one year and would include measurable goals and a commitment of resources to conduct marketing outreach.
Recommendations are Desirable
Humboldt Bay’s harbor can have a major impact on sustainable job creation and positive economic growth on Humboldt County. Revitalization of the harbor has great potential to stimulate the local economy and attract new business and investment. The need for economic growth in Humboldt County has been well documented by studies commissioned/conducted by the Harbor District and by the Headwaters Foundation.
Recommendations are Feasible
The harbor is operating at approximately 10 percent of its potential. There are many existing and potential enterprises dependent upon the harbor (fishing, cargo handling, aquaculture, tourism, shipping, ship repair and building), all of which can increase job opportunities and economic growth, with very little physical impact. Cargo handling and maritime industrial uses appear to have the greatest potential for job creation. All that is needed are a viable infrastructure and specialized equipment.
Recommendations are Viable
Agencies in Humboldt County have a track record of joining together on successful projects such as the harbor deepening project, harbor revitalization plan, Humboldt Bay Management Plan, and the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative. The recommendations presented above follow a proven successful method of joining forces to support harbor development, marketing for harbor business, and purchasing equipment.